Comodo Programs Manager v2.0.0.3 Portable

Active monitor

Clean Partial Uninstall
 Remove Drivers and Services


User Experience
 Our User Interface makes it easy to accomplish common tasks while providing guidance and information, all in a modern looking presentation.

 Other features
 And we have more features that make our software extraordinary.

 Streamlined user experience
 Thanks to the new graphical interface, you are now able to streamline your work and improve your efficiency.

 Non-intrusive alerts
 Discreet reporting of issues on your computer which can be handled at your convenience.

 Manage windows updates
 Choose your own updates to make sure you're using the latest software.

 Remove locked files
 Locked files are automatically removed at next Windows restart.

 Malware info
 To ensure that your computer stays safe, every time a setup is started it is also checked for malware using our cloud technology.

 Update applications
 Using our constantly updated database will keep your computer always up-to-date.

Mohon dengan sangat untuk berkomentar dan saran demi kemajuan bersama,, beri kritik yang bermanfaat dan jangan lupa join blog ini..!
oke??? terima kasih :) ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon

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