Extreme Movie Manager Deluxe adalah aplikasi untuk memanage semua koleksi film milik teman-teman. Extreme Movie Manager Deluxe bukan hanya manajer koleksi film / video, Extreme Movie Manager Deluxe juga sebuah database film dan aktor dan hal-hal lainnya yang berhubungan dengan film. Anda dapat merekam informasi lengkap
tentang film favorit Anda dan semua hal lain yang berkaitan dengan film tersebut. Dengan Teknologi eksklusif "MagicScript" Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengambil informasi film (terutama PICTURES, GAMBAR dan COVERS) dari SEMUA database film online. Extreme Movie Manager Deluxe juga dapat membaca informasi LANGSUNG dari AVI, OGG, MPEG, RealMedia dan (DVD) IFO file! Ini berarti bahwa Anda dapat mengimpor Video / Audio Codec info dengan Hanya beberapa Klik!

Key Features Extreme Movie Manager Deluxe:
• Organize your Movie/DVD collection automatically, lookup your Hard Disks, CD/DVD, portable devices in search for files, import movies list directly from CSV, TXT files
• Organize your TV Shows collection automatically, lookup your Hard Disk, CD/DVD in search for Episodes files, download all data from internet, including all episode plot, images, cats with just a click!
• Read Codec data directly from movie files, like bitrate, audio, channels, codec used, screen resolution...
• Extract frames directly from your movie files, to have a preview of the video quality, take a look at film scene
• Download all data, images, trailers automatically from internet from many sources in many languages, including casts, crew, DVD details
• Browse your Movies and TV Shows collection on screen with a powerful interface, with rich search options
• Export all your collection in several format, including CSV, TXT, HTML and the exclusive (x)HTML-DATABASE technology
• Learn how to use eXtreme Movie Manager with a short and concise Video Tutorials, read our Quick Tour of XMM features and get support from our Forum

Semoga bermanfaat,>_<

Link Download

Extreme Movie Manager Deluxe Edition 2012 v Full

Keygen Only

Password : www.gigapurbalingga.com

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