Games Battlefield 3
Selamat siang sahabat. Kali ini saya akan share game Battlefield 3, karena sudah banyak yang request game ini. Walaupun ini game yang sudah lama, tetapi karena banyaknya request game ini dan grafis dan efek yang luar biasa dari game battlefield 3 ini, maka kali ini akan saya share. Teman-teman pecinta gem shooter pasti
sudah tidak asing lagi dengan game Battlefield 3 ini. Langsung saja bagi teman-teman yang ingin mencoba game ini, langsung saja download game BattleFiled 3 Full Crack ini pada link download di bawah.
Features Games Battlefield 3 :
* Frostbite 2 - Battlefield 3 is Frostbite 2, incredible animation technology lifts, destruction, lighting, and sound in the scale hitherto unseen heights. Built on a powerful engine that Battlefield 3 fully immerses players in the game world.
* Feel the fight - Feel falling bullets and explosions take out wounded comrades from the thick of the fight and shoot to stop with just about any surface. Stunning animation Battlefield 3, superb special effects and realism of the battle will allow you to feel the real sense of the war, as in any game of this genre.
* The entire set of appliances - Best game incarnation of battles with the use of technology becomes more perfect, pushing in a single battle supersonic fighters with an impressive array of ground, air and marine equipment. Among other beloved by fans and returning features - maps for 64 players and the ability to lie on the ground.
* The battles in cities Pass with fights of modern warfare on a legendary and unexpected places in the U.S., Middle East and Europe, including the narrow streets and central square and open cities, allowing to use the technique terrain types.

System Requirements:
Operating system: Windows Vista / Windows 7;
* Processor: 2 GHZ DUAL CORE (CORE 2 DUO 2.4 GHZ OR ALTHON X2 2.7 GHZ);
* Memory: 2 GB;
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card;
* Free HDD: 4 gb of free space.

Cara Instalasi :
1. Download kedua DVD game BattleField 3 ini kemudian ekstrak.
2. Setelah diekstrak copy paste file yang terdapat dalam DVD 2 kedalam folder DVD 1.
3. Setelah semua File di DVD 2 ada di dalam DVD 1. Lakukan Instalasi game-nya.
4. Gunakan Crack yang terdapat dalam folder crack.
5. Play and Enjoy

Semoga Bermanfaat, ^_^

Link Download

BattleField 3 Full Crack ISO (13,5 Mb)

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